Strategy · 2023-11-23

Mastering Soccer Betting: A Journey from Loss to Profit

Discover the transformation of a novice bettor into a strategic thinker, turning his soccer betting hobby from a series of losses to a journey of profitable insights.

I once wrote about my past experiences, including a period about 12 years ago when I was a beginner in soccer betting. Back then, my approach was random, and my mindset immature. Winning a few bets made me overconfident, while a series of losses led to anxiety. I ended up squandering my hard-earned savings of over $50,000. Consequently, I decided to bet my last $5,000, telling myself that if I lost this, I would quit betting forever.

However, having ambition is useless without a good strategy and strict execution. I spent a long time reflecting on my past wins and losses. I looked in the mirror repeatedly, scrutinizing the poor choices and foolish actions I had made.

Eventually, I developed what I believed to be a suitable investment method for myself, which is the '20-unit investment theory' I have always advocated. I divided my remaining $5,000 into 20 equal parts. I didn’t believe I would lose all 20 units. Even in bad luck, there was enough room for error. Additionally, having 20 units allowed me to remain emotionally stable, neither getting too excited over wins nor too disheartened over losses.

In my view, there are not more than two or three matches worth betting on each day. Even on busy weekends, the number wouldn’t exceed 5-8 matches. Thus, I set my first rule: no more than 20 bets per week. This might seem trivial, but I challenge you to check your betting frequency. Most people exceed this number.

With limited bets, I became extremely cautious in choosing matches. With only 20 'bullets' per week, I aimed to use them on the most deserving 'targets.' I started avoiding meaningless, minor matches, no longer impulsively betting upon seeing a live score. I knew I only had 20 opportunities each week, and I couldn’t waste any.

I began focusing on leagues within my area of expertise. Based on my familiarity with the leagues, I focused on Serie A, Bundesliga, J-League, K-League, and the Chinese Super League. I knew the tactical play, player line-ups, strengths, and weaknesses of each team.

More importantly, I had a good grasp of the bookmakers' tactics in these leagues. I believed my chances of winning were higher in these leagues. After setting these basic rules, it was time to strategize. Let’s look at the potential outcome if this plan was executed successfully.

Our capital pool is A, divided into 20 units. Each unit represents 5% of A. My initial goal was simple: a profit of four units per month, averaging one unit per week. If I had an off week, I'd make up for it in the next. The monthly target was four units. If this plan went smoothly without increasing stakes, it would lead to a yearly gain of 48 units, roughly 50 units for simplicity. This meant that my unit pool would grow from A to 3.5A within a year.

If this continued for five years without increasing stakes, the pool would grow 13 times. My original $5,000 could potentially become $65,000 in five years.

So, why didn't I increase my stakes after winning? I adjusted my plan: for every 20 units gained, I recalibrated the scale of 20 units. When my total units reached 40, I would start the next round of betting with double the original stake per unit. This way, over five years, the growth would be much more significant than just 13 or 30 times.

The key was not to bet randomly but to cherish each unit and strictly adhere to the plan. Aiming for a weekly profit of one unit might seem modest, but it's substantial compared to mainstream financial products with a 6% annual return, equivalent to a 240% annual return. The story that follows is more mundane. I didn’t follow the plan perfectly, but I did my best. I became more selective with my bets, and even when I occasionally slipped, I quickly corrected course. My account's profits gradually increased. With each bet, I carefully considered my unit pool and adhered to the 20-unit proportion. Even during a losing streak, I remained calm because I knew that not every week would result in a loss, and there would be weeks with significant gains.

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